Chapter 3#: INVERSE
Marks -20 Time - 30 Min
Q1) Find the Principal value of. (6M)a) cos-1(-1/2) b) tan-1(-1) c) cot-1(-1/√3)
Q2) Find the value of (4M)
a) cos-1(1/2) + 2 sin-1(1/2)
b) tan-1(1) + 2cos-1(1/2) + 3sin-1(1/2)
Q3) Prove the property (4M)
a) tan-1(-x) = - tan-1(x)
b) sec-1(-x) = π - sec-1(x)
Q4) Show that (3M)
cos-1(4/5) + cos-1(12/13) = cos-1(33/65)
Q5) Show that tan-1(1/2) + tan-1(2/11) = tan-1(3/4) (3M)