# Class 11:Chapter 02 : Physics: Gravitation : Test 1 #
Q1] State Newton's Law of universal Gravitation and write SI unit and dimension of G. Give figure and also write the direction of the force. 4M
Q2] Define the critical velocity of the satellite and prove that its velocity 4M
Q3] As per Newton's law of universal gravitation , magnitude of force between the two particles of mass m each is F1 newton. If the mass of each particle is doubled, keeping the distance constant then calculate ratio of new force to earlier force. 3M
Q4] Calculate the acceleration due to gravity of earth at depth 1/2 that of radius of earth given g on the surface of earth is 9.8 m/s2 2M
Q5] Write down the formulae (both) for the escape velocity and the total energy of the body at the rest on earth's surface. 2M

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